Rev. Sun Myung Moon transfer his will to his son Hyung Jin Sean Moon

2 years ago

The meaning of representative body and heir
Father had 3 events
1- April 18, 2008 Inauguration of Hyung Jin Nim as International President, and in Father’s prayer recognizing him as his heir and successor
2- January 15 and January 31 2009- Three official coronation ceremonies where the king was crowned as the 2nd King of CIG
3- April 23, 2010 Declaration that His "only representative & inheritor is Hyung Jin Nim"
True Parents issued a proclamation.
Before he passed to the spirit world, True Father proclaimed the axis of inheritance before God and humankind. "The headquarters of cosmic peace is also the one unique headquarters. Its representative body and heir is Moon Hyung Jin. Any other person is a heretic and destroyer. The contents written here are a proclamation of the True Parent(s). Sealed: Sun Myung Moon.”

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