Trump Set Up By CIA?

2 years ago

Author Jefferson Morley discusses the relationship the CIA has had with different presidents and if they would view Bernie as a threat.

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Image credit: Gage Skidmore

I was on with a pro-Trump radio host last night and he was like you know like was the CIA behind you know setting up president trump? and I said no. You know there's no evidence of that. that's not the relevance of it. I think the relevance of this story is that when you have a corrupt president and a lawless agency that is working with a corrupt president you're in a very dangerous situation. and I think that this is something that people under-appreciate about our current situation. People see the CIA and the CIA's former leadership as being quite hostile to trump. and that is true. Those former heads of the CIA are very hostile to him. They regard him as a threat to the country and to their agency in particular. But rest assured there are plenty of people in the CIA who sympathize with Donald Trump and if Trump becomes president again and gets control of the CIA, that is a much more dangerous situation than anybody has contemplated I don't think. and that's the relevance of watergate we see a white house, a corrupt white house, and a lawless agency working hand in hand in the domestic sphere. They got caught and both Helms and Nixon suffered the consequences. But if President Trump is elected again in 2024 and gets control of the CIA then we're going to be in a very different place.

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