How To Rescue Loved Ones From Fox News Rabbit Holes

2 years ago

It's heartbreaking to see a loved one get sucked down into a Fox News rabbit hole. You try to talk to them and share evidence to disprove what they're saying but it doesn't seem to help. Is there anything you can do to rescue them?

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I was just calling about how to reach primarily conservatives. like you know my mom kind of is down the fox news rabbit hole I suppose. and when I talk to her you know I try to provide evidence like studies. and work that's not. right. and that's the problem. yep. that's the problem I don't know how to get through to people like that. and I yeah like it's just very frustrating. well first off she doesn't believe that your studies are accurate. you've got your studies. I've got my studies. there's no one set of studies is one thing that she's thinking. for the most part, I don't know how much you can reach any of these people. But to the extent that you can, you have to find some commonality with what she believes in and show her that the conservative ideology is not serving that. and that becomes like sort of the crack and that's when you know you hope like the dam breaks. so I don't know what that is with your mom. I don't know if she feels like people shouldn't have to know there's a problem with health care. or if it's you know Donald Trump is an insurrectionist. or whatever it is. I don't know what that one thing is. but you've got you, you've got to find that. yeah, what concern do you think drives her to fox news is there any that sticks out? like so I grew up with you know like fox news playing at our house. and my mom was pretty vocal about things. current events I guess. and so it kind of seems like she just is kind of on you know conservative train of this is the thing that we're outraged about now. so it's kind of just like right now it's you know gas prices. and a couple months ago or six months ago or whatever it was about you know the Biden administration crack fights or whatever. so I don't know what it is specifically. it kind of just seems like she's like you know I'm just kind of going with the current for a while. Well, well, I would say you know, like with the gas prices, I really do think that the way to address, that is to say, yeah, the Biden administration is too afraid to nationalize the refineries. and to nationalize all oil production in this country. We need you to know because the problem is that it's an international market. and the only thing that the buy administration needs to do is to nationalize these things. and have the US control it. and say that's the only thing. and they're nervous about doing it because you know the conservatives don't want that to be done. but that's the only solution.

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