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![Vernon Coleman - June 2022 - Nightmare on your Street](
Vernon Coleman - June 2022 - Nightmare on your Street
Vernon Coleman - June 2022 - Nightmare on your Street
t’s June 2022 and this is video number 311.
Politicians, journalists, social scientists, masochists and communists talk about social credit as if it were a ‘good thing’.
‘I don’t know what all the fuss is about,’ said one. ‘It won’t be so bad. In fact, if you behave yourself it will be a good thing.’
A TV programme promoting social credit in the US stated that social credit pushes people to become better citizens. ‘You’re not going to be punished if you haven’t done anything wrong,’ they said, ignoring the fact that it is the Government which decides the definition of wrong.
Well, if you are a fan of totalitarianism or communism then I suppose social credit is a good thing.
Social credit is a scheme designed to enable governments to control their citizens. Every new law and rule ties into the social credit system which is now clearly the way in which the Great Reset will be turned into practical reality. It is government policy everywhere to exhaust their citizens with a constant barrage of new rules and regulations (which are backed by force and therefore have the power of law).
Social credit is here and it is growing by the minute.
Take a look at precisely how social credit operates in China.
The social credit system set up in China was officially introduced in 2014 though it was planned many years before that and given official approval back at the beginning of the 21st century when Shanghai introduced a credit system designed to assess eligibility for loans – in much the same way as has been done in the West for many years. What has been happening since 2014 has been happening very quickly.
The idea of the system is that information about every individual will be collected together from all possible sources – schools, workplaces, banks, doctors’ surgeries, hospitals, police, libraries, supermarkets, internet platforms, travel companies, closed circuit television cameras (usually facial recognition software) and so on.
Recognition software can identify people by the way they walk. Smart meters installed in private homes will tell the authorities what time you get up, what time you eat, what you eat, when you go to the loo and when you go to bed. If you get a speeding fine or a parking ticket the details of that offence will be recorded too.
In the Chinese city of Rongcheng there is a comprehensive grading system which obtains information from 142 different government departments – with hundreds of positive and negative factors being used to create a final score.
The information collected is used to compensate and reward those considered to be model citizens and to punish those regarded as transgressors. The social credit system is designed to enable the authorities to name and shame according to behaviour.
There are several systems in different Chinese provinces but social credit ratings are measured with a simple points system with, for example, all citizens starting off with 1,000 points and then losing points whenever they ‘misbehave’. A citizen’s rating will determine whether he or she is rewarded or punished.
The goal of the system is to provide the Government with a general assessment of each individual citizen’s trustworthiness.
‘Good’ citizens who have obeyed instructions and behaved impeccably will be rewarded in many ways – such as by being allowed to travel, use a public library, rent bicycles or borrow money and by being entitled to send their children to better schools, to obtain a better quality of health care or to apply for (and be given) better jobs. Buying green vegetables, sensible clothing and nappies will all boost a citizen’s rating. Buy sensible work shoes with good soles and a long life potential and your rating will rise. Those who praise the Government will see their rating improve. Those who report citizens who have criticised the Government, or any part of it, will be rewarded for their loyalty to the State. If you donate blood, perform charitable works and praise the Government regularly on social media you will be rewarded.
‘Bad’ citizens, who have shown themselves to be rebellious, deceitful or disobedient in any way, will be punished by being named and shamed on the internet and elsewhere and by being denied access to travel, hotels, restaurants, good schools, good hospitals and good jobs. ‘Bad’ citizens may also be banned from entering shopping malls or food stores and may, therefore, be denied access to food.
What else makes you a ‘bad’ citizen?
Well, buying chocolates, alcohol or frivolous clothing will damage your rating as will playing games on the internet. Buy a pair of high heel shoes or inappropriately expensive trainers and you will lose points. If your home is not considered energy compliant you will be punished.
If Chinese citizens write or say something rude about their government, they will lose points. Those who fail to visit their parents regularly are punished as are jaywalkers, those who smoke in non- smoking zones and those who walk a dog without putting it on a lead. Government employees will remove a dog if its leftover food isn’t cleared away. And the former dog owner will be banned from having another animal for five years. Senior citizens can sue their children if they don’t visit regularly. Not sorting your personal waste properly is a sin as is swearing in public. Spying on your friends, relatives and neighbours will be rewarded; so, for example, reporting friends, relatives and neighbours for using bad language will win you brownie points. All internet data (including searches) is used to compile social credit ratings and players who cheat in online video games are punished by having their social credit rating reduced. If you spread rumours on the internet you will be classified as a bad person. If your apologies for your transgressions are considered insincere you will be punished. If you have your PCR tests done regularly then you will be rewarded but if you miss your testing appointments you will lose points. If you have the vaccinations you are told to have then you will be rewarded. But if you choose not to have a particular vaccination then you will lose points. Those who do not pay bills on time will be punished though taxes and utility bills will be paid automatically, with the appropriate sums simply deducted from the citizen’s account. If there is insufficient money in the account the citizen will lose yet more points. Those in debt for whatever reason will end up in a downward spiral.
Ten years or so ago I wrote a column in a large circulation Chinese newspaper. One week I wrote a column criticising vaccination. Within hours of the column appearing I received a note from the editor sacking me from the paper. And within a couple of days after that I received an email from my Chinese publisher telling me that they were no longer allowed to sell my books (several of which had been long-term bestsellers in China). I was also told that neither they nor any other publisher in China would be allowed to publish any of my books.
In 2019, 23 million people in China had been blacklisted from travelling by train or aeroplane because they had low social credit ratings. Many students were prevented from attending schools or universities because their parents had poor scores or because one parent was on a debtor’s list. Employers are able to consult blacklists before hiring new employees or handing our contracts – and are encouraged to do so.
Highly rated taxpayers get their tax returns processed more speedily. Lowly rated individuals have to pay higher insurance premiums.
Once someone is on a blacklist in one area of the country they are likely to be blacklisted in other provinces. And once someone is on a blacklist it usually takes between two to five years to be removed. Citizens on blacklists must prove that they have changed their erring ways.
In China, everyone now lives in a point scoring computer game. Citizens who don’t adapt their lifestyle to suit the requirements of the Government will be severely punished. If a member of a Chinese citizen’s family or partner has low scores then they must avoid them – or their points score will be reduced. Think about that: the system ensures that the friends and relatives of individuals who behave in a way that the State considers unacceptable will lose points from their credit rating.
In short, those who do as they are told will be rewarded and those who disobey will be punished. And, remember, individuals who are regarded as ‘bad’ citizens will be named and shamed on posters, on television and, of course, on the internet.
The aim of all this is that citizens will be encouraged to behave in an ‘acceptable’ fashion and will, therefore, be constantly aware of their behaviour – constantly aware that if they cross a street when not allowed, or park a vehicle where they are not allowed to park, they will lose points on their credit rating.
The Chinese social credit system (upon which the social credit systems being introduced in the rest of the world are based) is built upon a network of computers and requires citizens to carry with them, and to use, smart phones which are equipped with apps connecting them to a central bureaucracy. Smart TVs, computers, iPads, cell phones and so on collect data by recording conversations, movements and user activity. Video games use facial recognition software.
The astonishing thing is that the vast majority of the well-educated classes cannot see what is happening. They aren’t all conspirators, in on the scam, but many have closed their eyes and ears to the truth.
So, what has all this got to do with me, you might well ask. Surely the Chinese system won’t really affect the rest of the world.
Well, in September 2020, when most of the population were still wondering if they dared nip out to the one open local shop to buy a can of beans, and wondering if it would be legal to buy a loaf of bread as well, the UK Government published something called ‘Evidence and Scenarios for Global Data Systems – the Future of Citizens Data Systems’.
The Chinese Government had by then been using its social credit system to prioritise its national economy and to take control of its citizens, and the British Government, not wanting to be left out, but not wanting to terrify a population that had already been systematically and deliberately scared half to death, promised that it would ‘harness data to boost growth and productivity, to improve public services and to inform a new wave of scientific research’.
That’s the sort of promise that sounds wonderful until you read it again and think what it means.
Similar systems to the one I’ve described in China are already in action in other countries all around the world.
For example, New Zealanders who go to Australia are entitled to live and work there for life unless they fail a ‘good character’ test in which case they will be deported. The good character test is decided entirely at the discretion of officials. There is also a ‘ParentsNext’ welfare programme which provides payments to single mothers but to qualify for the money a single mother must show that she has undertaken certain activities with her children – such as visiting the public library or attending swimming lessons.
In Bologna, Italy, the authorities have introduced a ‘smart citizens’ wallet’. Holders receive digital points to spend or use to obtain discounts for virtuous behaviour (such as enthusiastic recycling).
As governments in the West recently declared their enthusiastic support for Ukraine, Ukraine quietly announced that it is the first country to implement the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset by setting up a social credit app combining universal basic income, digital ID and a vaccine passport in a single app.
In France, within two days of his re-election, President Macron introduced a Digital Identity Guarantee so that citizens of France could have a digital ID card complying with the EU’s European Digital Identity package. The vaccine passport gave birth to the digital ID and this, tied in with the digital currencies produced by Central Banks, gives the conspirators total control.
In Canada, the Government has a new advisory group to enforce censorship and to regulate what they decide is harmful content. The Government has given itself the sole authority to decide what is disinformation and what can be regarded as a conspiracy theory. In Quebec, a special tax was introduced for those who had been wise enough not to have the covid-19 jab.
In Vienna, Austria, where the un-jabbed were subjected to special lockdowns and there was a push towards ‘no jab, no job’ every citizen will be offered an App which will reward good behaviour with ‘Vienna Tokens’. There has been no official notice of what constitutes ‘good’ behaviour and what constitutes ‘bad’ behaviour but the App will certainly recognise each individual’s travel behaviour – whether they travel by foot, bicycle or public transport. The scheme is funded by the European Research Council (which has links to the World Economic Forum). The plan is to turn Vienna into a smart city with data replacing money as the city’s currency. The aim is that in future all decisions will be made by artificial intelligence so that there will be no need for elections. In other words, behavioural data will replace democracy. Private property will not be encouraged and will, indeed be a luxury.
In Germany, citizens have a SCHUFA score which is necessary for buying or renting a house or receiving goods on credit. The SCHUFA system tracks each citizen’s entire credit history. It has been claimed that someone who lives in a poor area, or has low scoring neighbours, will find that their score is lowered. Scores may also be lowered if relatives have poor scores.
In Russia in 2018, the Moscow Times reported that by 2025, four out of five Russians will have been given a ‘personal development trajectory – a digital file which will contain every achievement in a person’s life - ‘the misses, mistakes, big projects’. The aim is to digitize the Russian economy and roll out digital technologies nationwide.
In Zimbabwe ‘people who peddle information deemed false by the Government face up to 20 years in prison, a hefty fine or both.’
In Thailand, the Government warned that ‘anybody joking about the virus could face up to five years prison time’.
In Holland, a Dutch bank links customer spending habits with their CO2 emissions.
Denmark developed a covid-19 digital passport so that Danish nationals can travel freely around the world. The corollary is that those without the passport can’t travel freely around the world.
In Ireland, the Government has stated that The State ‘shall delimit the right to private property where it is necessary to ensure the common good’.
Iran has introduced digital food rationing based on biometric IDs.
In Wales, selected citizens will be given the national average wage. They will be allowed to keep the money (believed to be around £20,000 a year) on top of anything they earn. But if they don’t want to do any work they don’t have to. This is an absurdly generous version of Universal Basic Income.
India has a program known as ‘Aadhaar’ which means that each resident has a 12 digit number. Each individual has their fingerprints and iris scans stored. The system was introduced to check entitlement to welfare programs but is used for law enforcement purposes.
The US Department of Homeland Security has openly stated that so-called conspiracy theorists and anyone questioning what the Government says about covid is an ‘extremist’.
And International Monetary Fund researchers have called for internet search history to be tied to credit scores.
In the UK, the Government (which has given millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money to the media to spread lies on its behalf) has a ‘nudge unit’ (officially known as the Behavioural Insights Team of psychologists) which exists to create fear and shame and promote group think. The Government advisors regularly pushed for more terror and more fear. Councils now warn homeowners that ‘failing to register (to vote) can have a negative impact on your credit score’. The UK Digital Identity and Attitudes Trust Framework, part of the nationwide digital ID push, enabled citizens to prove their ID using digital methods instead of having to rely on traditional physical documents. In August 2021, the UK Government announced that a new App would monitor shopping habits and encourage healthy eating. Supermarket purchases will be assessed by new software and citizens will be rewarded if they buy healthy foods and punished if they buy foods considered bad for them. The Bank of England is introducing a crypto-currency which can be controlled so that you can’t buy ‘bad’ stuff with it.
Also in the UK, a major bank called Santander, made it virtually impossible to bank online without using a mobile phone. Those who complained, either because they had no mobile phone or had a poor signal, were told to visit a branch. But, of course, most branches had been shut.
Government departments, including HMRC, have introduced fiendishly complicated systems of verification which are impossible for many to use. It’s all part of the plan to tie citizens into a sophisticated digital identification programme.
Life for the ‘good citizens’ will be just like life in the USSR and China. It will be like life in a communist State. It will be like life in a giant prison camp. ‘Good’ citizens who do as they are told to do will be entitled to buy cheap food, rent cheap apartments, take cheap holidays and get jobs with light work. They will be entitled to free education for their children and free medical care too. The ‘good’ citizens will be given security and shelter in return for their freedom, their independence and their free will.
In the now infamous words associated with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, the ‘good’ citizens will own nothing and they will be happy.
The plans for the Great Reset are greatly advanced – and the principles of social credit touch every aspect of our lives.
For now they say that all this is voluntary, of course.
They promise that you will not be punished if you do nothing wrong.
The first problem is that doing nothing wrong is difficult to define.
The second problem is some people would not regard these schemes as entirely voluntary. It is because of digitalisation that bank branches and GP services are being closed. What is the need for banks or surgery premises when everything can be done online, through a constantly monitored computer of some kind?
The basic problem with social credit is that we are no longer dealing with an ordinary assessment of what is right and what is wrong. (With kindness being right and murder or theft being wrong.) We are talking about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ being decided arbitrarily by bureaucrats who, for example, will argue that people who sort their rubbish satisfactorily are ‘good’ whereas people whose recycling skills are not considered adequate are ‘bad’.
The world of social credit gets absolutely everywhere; it’s more intrusive and tougher to remove than hogweed.
If you live in a house that is bigger than you need then you will be marked down and your taxes will rise. If you have spare rooms you’ll be punished. If you do a useful job and give money to charity you’ll get extra points. If you criticise the Government then you’ll lose points.
When you’re away from home, the authorities will, of course, know where you are all the time.
Indeed, if you behave badly you won’t be allowed to go far from home. If you haven’t obeyed all the health regulations you won’t be allowed to travel on public transport, fly anywhere or go abroad.
If your social credit rating goes down you won’t be able to borrow money, buy a house or book a decent room in a hotel.
If your rating goes down too far you won’t be allowed to go into hospital and if you get in by accident they’ll slam a Do Not Resuscitate notice around your neck before you can say ‘what’s that for?’
You’ll receive bonus points if you live in a tiny, modern, poorly built flat with thin walls and absolutely no privacy but you’ll lose those points if you keep a pet or complain about absolutely anything.
If you spend too much on clothes or shoes your rating will go down, and saving money will mark you out as guilty of something or other and you won’t be able to hire a car, get a promotion at work, use a gym or get your children into a decent school.
If you are a lot of trouble, and rude about the authorities, you’ll find that your internet speeds will slow to a crawl and if you have your own business and talk back to council officials you won’t get any help with planning problems or be able to obtain any official government contracts.
If you don’t dress appropriately when out in public, or are spotted crossing the road when the lights are against you, then you’ll be photographed and your picture displayed on the internet. If you have a row with a neighbour then your pictures will be put on a billboard near your home and you’ll be shamed. If you are late with your taxes you’ll be marked down for regular audits, your business will be inspected once a week and your picture will appear on a shame board on the internet. And you’ll find it impossible to obtain licences, permits and loans you might need.
In recent years it has become necessary for almost everyone to have a licence before being allowed to get a job. Taxi drivers and dental hygienists need licences. In some countries, even hairdressers, dog groomers, and beauticians need to buy a licence. The only people who aren’t required to have licences (or training of any kind) are politicians. And they are the only people who really need them. Demanding that workers buy a licence makes them vulnerable. The State which hands out the licence can easily take it away if the licence holder has a low social credit rating. In restaurants the cameras will study your manners and your eating habits and the amount of food you leave on the plate – all likely to damage your social credit rating.
Snitches, sneaks, police officers and over-compliant government employees will mark you down for any sin of commission or omission.
By now you probably think I’m making this up and I wish I were but I’m not. We’re not talking about the far distant future. We’re talking about things that are happening now, or about to happen in the very near future.
Not having the correct number of children, being overweight and owning land will result in a loss of social credit points (unless you own a very great deal of land). In the UK the Office for National Statistics has already claimed that childless women will be a burden on the State because they’ll have no one to look after them. So they’ll be punished too.
Chronic sickness, mental illness, being old and being disabled will lose you points as will being arrested (it doesn’t matter whether or not you are found guilty).
Having too big a carbon footprint, being middle class or asking too many questions will all result in a loss of points as will being too protective of your family.
You’ll lose social credit points if you cause some ‘identity harm’, say something that makes someone feel uncomfortable about who they are, where they are from or what they look like – or don’t say something that causes them to feel good.
If you show any micro-aggression, exhibit white privilege or stir up hatred you’ll be punished. If you behave in a threatening or abusing or insulting manner you will be in trouble, as you will if you communicate threatening abusive or insulting material to another person or if another person fears that you might threaten them or not like them. In the UK, it is already a crime to take a dog for a walk without a lead if someone who sees you says that they were uncomfortable with the presence of your dog or alarmed by its presence. (Details elsewhere on this website.)
Your intention will be irrelevant. The complainant only has to say he was hurt or alarmed or frightened.
Writers, actors or film or stage directors will be vulnerable if anyone finds any of their material offensive.
You probably think I’m really kidding now. But the police in some areas now define a crime or incident as ‘hateful’ based on the perception of the victim (and not on the intent of the offender). And naturally, the police and politicians have been encouraging citizens to snitch on those breaking laws.
You can get into serious trouble for playing loud music or having trees in your garden. Trees are considered bad because they may interfere with communications and have no practical purpose (though a year or two ago we were told they were essential to save the polar bears). You can get into serious trouble for feeding the birds in your own garden if someone objects.
Eating on public transport, missing a medical appointment, parking in the wrong place, missing a job interview and jaywalking will all lose you points and make your life more difficult.
If you think I’ve gone mad you should know that cybersecurity experts have discovered that 32% of adults between 25 and 34 in 21 countries (a total of 10,000 individuals) have already had difficulty getting a mortgage or loan because of their social media activity.
A fairly scary survey found that two thirds of individuals are willing to share information about themselves or others to get a shopping discount while half are willing to do so if it helps them skip queues at airports. One in two individuals says they are happy for the Government to monitor everyone’s social media behaviour if it means keeping the public safe.
Of course, it will be impossible to find out what your social credit score is, to find out exactly how scores are made up or to correct any error. And scores will be changed in real time. So you could join a queue thinking you are entitled to hire a car or board a train and find, when you get to the front of the queue, that your rating has changed and you can’t do either of those things.
Governments, big companies and local authorities are already gathering information about you from facial recognition cameras, DNA tests taken from PCR tests, biometric studies at airports, drones, surveillance planes and social media. This is the technocratic state in full fly. Using a silly name or avatar on social media will provide you with absolutely no protection. They know exactly who stinkyfeet of Weymouth really is and they know the name, address and inside leg measurement of bumfluff from Colorado.
You can forget about privacy, freedom or rights.
If one person in a family breaks the law, the whole family will be punished.
Taking an active part in a religious ceremony will result in punishment. You may, for example, be sent to an education and training centre where the inmates study political propaganda.
Every time you give information online they are storing up information about you, your views, your personality and so on. So far around 4.5 billion people around the world use the internet and most have social media accounts.
And there are, in truth, so, so many ways in which your social credit score can be adversely affected.
All this is known as social engineering. It’s something politicians have been trying to do for many years since, when it works, which it does, it gives them complete control over the population. There is no longer any need to worry about opposition or criticism.
In China, citizens who do ‘good’ things for the State and their community are rewarded by having their photographs and names on a local wall. This is exactly what I remember seeing in East Germany in the 1970s. And back then people vied with one another to please the State and win a place on the wall.
If you want to know the sort of society you and your children are going to live in then look at China now - where what people do, say and think is being constantly monitored.
We are moving rapidly into a dystopian, digital dictatorship.
Good behaviour will be rewarded and bad behaviour punished. But who defines what is good and what is bad?
Geotracking is the new normal now. Your financial records are combined with your criminal record, academic record, medical record and shopping patterns. They’re keeping an eye on the type of friends you have, the videos you watch, the people you date or marry or meet.
This is Big Brother on speed
In the Brave New World, those with a low credit score won’t be able to move an inch.
People who speak out about corruption or who question the propaganda will be punished. If they are fined then their fine will be higher because they are seen as bad people.
And it’s already all happening.
Computer games are training us for our future.
Remember, I’m completely banned in China because I wrote a column for a Chinese newspaper which contained factually accurate information on vaccination. The column was considered unacceptable. My books in Chinese were instantly removed from sale.
I leave you with the following fact.
There are public loos in China which won’t let you in without first checking your face and identifying you. Only when you’re approved will the machine dispense the small quantity of loo paper you are allowed.
Two sheets if you’re a good person. One if you’re not.
You may be smiling now.
But see if you’re still smiling in twelve months’ time.
We’re fighting the greatest war in history. If you want to know more about what is happening, exactly what social credit means to you, how it will change your life and what you can do then please look at my new book called ‘Social Credit: Nightmare on Your Street.’ It’s all in there and I’ve only been able to give you a précis in this video. There’s a link to the book in the box below.
There’s much we can all do.
You must tell everyone you know what is happening. Share this video. Boycott the enemy. Prepare for more shortages. Don’t download Apps. Always pay cash. And share this video until the send button wears out.
There is hope: never underestimate the power of a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens to change the world. Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.
Thank you for watching an old man in a chair.
Please subscribe to my channel on Brand New Tube and spread my videos about on other platforms such as Bitchute. Thanks, as always, to Muhammad Butt and BNT.
My thanks to everyone who shares my videos. This channel has not been monetised – none of my videos ever HAS been because I don’t want ads on my videos. There are no ads, no sponsors and no requests for funds on videos or websites.
Don’t forget to watch my friend Dr Colin Barron’s amazing videos which are always pertinent and always entertaining.
Please visit my own websites and There are free articles and new stuff is added most days. Remember, too, I’m banned from all social media for telling the truth and daring to be right. Anything you see with my name on it on Facebook, Telegram, Linked-In, Twitter or anywhere is fake and should be reported.
Finally, although it may feel like it at times, please remember that you are not alone. More and more people are waking up and once they are awake they don’t go back to sleep. We are already a far bigger force than the conspirators would have you believe. Over a third of the populations of the US and UK haven’t had a single covid jab.
If we are going to win this war then we have to fight hard and with determination and passion and the truth.
Distrust the government, avoid mass media and fight the lies.
And, remember, we have God on our side.
Thank you for watching an old man in a chair.
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