Like a Diseased, Comatose Shapeshifter Queen, Oblivious Biden Continually Births Monsters

2 years ago

Dems Mount Reverse Revolution to Ruin Americans w/ Poverty & Suffering

Anyone one who’s studied even a snippet of 20th Century history realizes that it wasn’t war, but communism which killed the most humans ever per century, murdering near 200 million innocent souls. Why were these poor souls slaughtered? Simply because there was no reason cited not to annihilate them. When you depose God and His laws, there’s always a cost.

Therefore, communism, and its Marxist progeny, like socialism, utopianism, democratic socialism, European economics, etc, all lead to societal death. Why? Because, without the ballast of religion as counterweight to tyranny, we are all exposed to grave danger from the deified state. Remember, just as Yahweh separated priestly function from kingship to halt power aggregation, so the Constitution and Bill of Rights separate our government powers and therefore remain our bulwark against tyranny.

Now, far left Democrats obviously toil to sabotage and ruin America by basic strategy. Hiking oil costs to catastrophic levels, setting inflation aboil by insane spending sprees, beckoning in millions of unexamined illegals & whisking them by night to far-flung cities, fomenting race wars and abolishing the definition of gender, etc. Any one action could cripple a nation, but all aggregate to doom any state. And so, instead of a revolution, you have internal treason to implode the system and leave Americans bereft.

Now, since historic Marxism never succeeded in practice, and western workers refused to revolt, Marxists were forced to return to the drawing board and find a new theory. Thinkers like imprisoned Italian Antonio Gramsci suggested ‘hegemony.’ He preached ditching the use of force others into communism. He instead advised crafting humanism with psychology to persuade the culture to embrace Marx. But his theme was using “common sense” to promote Marxism -- a novel idea for such vicious maniacs as Stalin & Mao.

We see after how the Marxist Frankfurt School relocated from Hitler’s Germany to NY City and began guiding the left how to use culture in such endeavors as education, Hollywood and unions. The results were years of US university Marxist indoctrination which gave off the curious and wholly false sense that all smart folks were naturally Marxist.

Now, after nearly a century of various kinds of Marxist intellectual poisoning, we are now at the place where Democrats have finally revealed their true Marxist identities. After finally getting all congress and the presidency, with a mentally incapacitated leader, they went for the gold. The Dem’s race is to see how much catastrophic damage can be done to America before the GOP regains power.

But for every bit of damage they do to our previously Christian-oriented and productive law-and-order society, they know only so much will be repaired. And so it’s likely their goal is to introduce as much dysfunction and mayhem into every arena, like a staph infection and narcotics being dropped into newborn’s milk bottles in a maternity ward.

Finally, Socialists cannot aid or love anyone else, because they only care about power over groups, not individuals. They hate individual rights and individual people. Our only hope is to fiercely educate ourselves and fight back with rhetoric and at the ballot box.

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