AH-64 ● Flying Low Over a South Korean Highway (Combat Runway) ● August 1994 ● Apache Helicopter

4 years ago

Look close... you can see cars driving on the "runway"... South Korea in the 1990's had several highways that served as dual-purpose aviation runways and vehicle highways. Sorry for the jittery video... the old A-models shook a lot at high torque and straight and level... and the handy-cams weren't that great back then!

Want to see more?
Watch the 2017 "Apache Warrior" movie on Amazon Prime: https://amzn.to/35aSmvs
“Apache Warrior” is a feature-length documentary that puts the viewer inside the cockpit of an elite U.S. Army Aviation Helicopter Squadron as they launch a Deep Attack during the initial surge into Iraq in March, 2003. Reminiscent of the "Highway of Death" from Desert Storm.

Learn more about the Apache Friendly Fire Incident in Desert Storm by watching the actual in-cockpit videotape: https://youtu.be/iesQorDCtFQ

View More AH-64 Apache Helicopters:

Using DCS World?
For those of you playing DCS World, this video should be helpful to see an actual Apache in action. Digital Combat Simulator World (DCS World) is a free-to-play combat flight simulator primarily developed by Eagle Dynamics, and the civilian version of The Battle Simulator. It includes a free simulation of the Sukhoi Su-25T Frogfoot attack aircraft and TF-51D Mustang, an unarmed training variant of the P-51D Mustang. Recent updates include the Apache attack helicopter.

AH-64 Apache Helicopters on Amazon: https://amzn.to/37yrwPF

Digital Combat Simulator World ● DCS World
Highway of Death
Desert Storm
Desert Shield
FLIR Forward Looking Infra Red Sensors

#Apache #AH64 #gunpilot #helicopter #helicopters

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