A Higher Level of Consciousness EFV, 5G & THE NANO BOTS

2 years ago

A Higher Level of Consciousness EFV, 5G & THE NANO BOTS - ⁣Philosophers Stone Decoded #OccultKnowledge Revealed. Looking At The Mysteries of The Stone Finding Out What It Really Means Behind The Hidden Messages #Signsandsymbols ANY LANGUAGE HERE👍⁣https://meditationforfreedom.co.uk/philosophers-stone-decoded/
The philosophers stone has had many interpretations throughout the history of man and woman. Some even believing it to be an actual stone, which can be created.
This is due to the famous saying turning led into gold. In this blog post I intend to go a little deeper, into this stone, using the knowledge I was taught. Including what I learnt through the astral records and researched with other matrix grid players. Which will hopefully give you a better understanding of the #PhilosophersStone and how you, locate it.
Please note this information is NOT for EVERYONE depending on your level of understanding of the mental world and how it vibrates and creates. THERES ALLOT TO LEARN IN A SHORT SPACE OF TIME AND MOST PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING INFORMATION OVERLOAD ... SLOW DOWN AND TRY LEARNING ONE THING AT A TIME... BUT THAT WHICH BENEFITS YOU - ⁣I have give my energy,decades of my life and my no sugar humour for free. I have advised and helped millions of people directly and indirectly. I have shared my knowledge and lost almost all my stuff for doing this channels, websites, incomes etc all to wake up the masses, i have been laughed at called crazy called a man and many others things. But here I am, I do this for free. I put in over 70 hours a week answering questions and uploading contents. I put myself in the public domain, because i had the dreams as a child so i knew this day would come. I do all of this because i want to wake people up and save lives, I do it for free and because i feel this is what i came here for.NOTHING IS FREE IN THIS WORLD AND TRUTH IS CENSORED..I am always asked how people can donate to the channels, how they can help us to continue to do what we do - we always say by sharing our videos you are helping us - YOU can donate if you would like to – LOVE PEOPLE https://www.buymeacoffee.com/awakenedlight

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