Ask A Frustrated Nurse Epidosde 21

2 years ago

This is from April 8, 2022
Covid updates

1. Ron DeSantis signs the bill -"No Patient Left Alone Act" Patients will be allowed, visitors!
2. Rise in Covid deaths up in 8 states in last 2 weeks. Where has the FLU gone?
3. Congress on spring break amid the COVID relief bill and Senate holding it up against the Title 42 border issue.
4. Fauci speaks again and mentions immunity with past infections and vaccinations. Plan on increased cases over the next few weeks and again in the fall. (duh) He doesn't state Herd but he calls it background immunity.
5. Study from the Commonwealth report stated 10 people with partial or no vax infected within 90 days. In my opinion- More numbers manipulation.
6. Reporting because of vaccinations we saved $889.4 BIllion. According to this Commonwealth Report. Not sure this is a neutral report. Researchers primarily from YALE and National Committee for Quality Assurance

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