DEFY IDENTITY POLITICS! June 25th, Reno Nevada

2 years ago

Join your fellow Nevada patriots for a groundbreaking forum discussion about the dangers of identity politics. The Democrats seek to divide, we seek to unite!

Watch as very different people come together and find common ground. We may not agree on everything, but we agree that we must save the Constitution, free speech, and the 2nd amendment before it’s too late!

Maurice Washington is a legend in Nevada. He’s a former Nevada Senator and a Pastor.

Jacob Lloyd is host of the Thoughtful Faith Podcast and seeks to combat the anti-Christian radicalism of the left.

Lady Maga USA is a drag artist who defies the radical LGBTQ agenda of indoctrination, trans surgeries for children, and Marxism. He's visiting from Utah.

Monica Jaye is a famous radio host and staunch Republican. She'll be moderating the forum.

Real Pride is American Pride!


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