4 years ago

Thursday afternoon October 22, 2020 a fire burning south of the Cameron peak fire that is known as the East Troublesome fire Advanced at an incredible rate never seen before in a timber fire. It accelerated so rapidly that people barely had a chance to get out of Grand Lake. At 2:38 PM the sky in Rocky Mountain National Park first turned a deep orange color and as the firefighters from Loveland traveled up Highway 34 (and I accidentally one time called it 35) sorry... Estes Park had the sky turn so dark with a deep blood red color that even the firefighter said it was terrifying. It was very apocalyptic looking in all the cars had their headlights on at 2:38 PM because the sky was so blood red and dark as residents evacuated Dylan Highway 34. I wanted to share how inconsolable I felt last night as I cried and prayed and Estes Park in particular has special meaning to me and to my Mom & our family. The only thing that would’ve been able to console me as I woke up crying was if I could see my Mom. As I turned over and checked my phone I saw that I got a notification that a new little movie was made out of photos that are in my cell phone. I was completely shocked that it told me I had a new movie made and there was a picture of my mother’s face with her first name and maiden name in the music that it chose said “uplifting” and I was completely shocked and cried when I saw her face. My cell phone had made a movie and contacted me to let me know here’s a new movie with Mom as the theme. In the very middle was a video clip I took of her on her last birthday and I heard her say I love you and I had to replay it because I couldn’t believe she was saying I love you! I really do believe that the Holy Spirit was trying to uplift my spirits through my Mom’s photos. I really do not know how that happened on the very morning when I needed to see her to be consoled. It is truly astonishing and this is just an update of the dramatic events that took place from yesterday afternoon into today. Thanks for watching❣️
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