HOW DID WE GET HERE? [Our Podcast Origin Story]

2 years ago

Join us for a conversation where we cover the origin story of our podcast’s name and purpose. We answer the questions about why are we doing this and why we feel it’s important for millennials to listen to and have these conversations also. God led us to this place without realizing either one of us knew it, and it’s a beautiful testimony to His goodness.

In this episode, you’ll see how 2 Kings 13:14-19 where God has revealed to us through this story involving Elisha and how it has shaped our purpose and legacy for this podcast. We also reference Daniel 4:28-37, where King Nebuchadnezzar goes mad and lives like an animal for some time, and in the end, God restores his majesty and splendor (v. 36). This is an amazing example of God’s mercy! Additionally, the reference James 4:2, concludes with the text “…You do not have because you do not ask [it of God]” to help you understand that although God is not a wishing well, He still expects us to petition Him for our needs.

We hope you find value in this conversation! Please like and subscribe to the channel. Hit the notification bell so you don’t miss any future episodes! We’d also love it if you shared this episode with someone and leave a comment below. Feel free to email us at where you can send us your comments, questions, and what conversations you’d like to hear! Also, follow us on Instagram @OfficialStrikeTheGround!

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