Tyrannical governments...

2 years ago

All our Political leaders are corrupt, disgusting dogs. Our leaders were behind the covid scam, lockdowns, and the injections. They have declared war on their own citizens, just like what they`re doing to Julian Assange. They`ve gained power through a rigged electoral system. There`s no way Biden got all those votes! or Macron, or the new australian leader! All these clowns were selected to impose dictatorships on their own citizens. Everything now is engineered, the so called fuel shortage is engineered, the so called war, it`s totally choreographed. Do you think Macron and that jesuit trained Mario Draghi give a shit about the people of Ukraine! What about the comedian actually pretending he`s the president! All our leaders belong to a corrupt Elite Class, and they have decided to impoverish and destroy their own citizens. Firstly they used Covid to imprison us, then, to ruin our lives with lockdowns, then inject us with experimental gene-therapy, now it`s the engineered `war` that`s causing all our problems. They keep ramping it up, next it`ll be another financial crash, then another war, it goes on and on...Our enemy isn`t Russia or China or Palestine or Iran, our enemies are the people running our countries and we are supposed to believe that Biden is running the USA, he doesn`t even know where he is! The so called `leaders` of the EU know the pain they are causing, but they just keep on following the script. All the leaders of the so called `west` have declared war on their own people but they won`t tell you that directly, no they pretend they`re fighting `covid`, fighting `climate-change`, fighting terrorism blah..blah..No they are actually fighting us, and the sooner we realize that then we might come up with a way to resist their tyranny.

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