Army of YAH – 0007 – Fetter Fauci [WANTED], part 1

2 years ago

It's time, Warriors! Time to break the seal.. Let's put Fraudulent Fauci in jail, together!!

Dr. David Martin website:
Dr. David Martin, Crimes of Fauci, Full Video:
Download 'Crimes Of Fauci' PDF:
Download 'Crimes Of Fauci/C0VlD-19 Dossier' (205 Pg) PDF:

Sweeten The Pot:
Contact Us:

CONTACT Your Sheriff, Phone/Email Script:

Good Morning/Afternoon! My name is ____ _______. Number ___-___-____. Myself and others, are on a mission to find one BOLD Sheriff who is willing to obtain a warrant for Fauci's arrest. We have the evidence, collected by Dr. David Martin, presented in a 205 Pg Dossier, documenting the 10 LAWS (6 Criminal/4 Civil) that Fauci has undoubtedly broken against you and the good people of your County. We are personally putting up a growing $12,025 incentive to the FIRST America-First Sheriff who's willing to issue a complaint and obtain a warrant for Fauci's arrest. Details for that, at:

With whistleblower access to the last 2 years of Social Security Death Files, and current Life Insurance data, the conservative estimate is: Upwards of 30% of your county's 'All Cause Mortality Death Rate' are vaccine related deaths--and thus, Facui induced.

The numbers don't lie. We feel it's high time to hold our leaders accountable. Fauci's long criminal history and blatant public perjury makes him the obvious first choice. With him brought to justice, many others will follow.

Please Note: We are not looking to obtain a federal warrant covering all Americans, but rather a local warrant on behalf of the good people of your County, under your jurisdiction. [ Please see attachments/links below including all the documented evidence. ] All we need to get the ball rolling is to find a single, Honorable Sheriff willing to obtain that warrant. We will take it from there.

Sheriff _____ _________, will you be that Sheriff? Please prayerfully consider..

You may also find the attached documentation here (it is all the evidence you need):
Crimes Of Fauci PDF:
Crimes Of Fauci/C0VlD-19 Dossier (205 Pg) PDF:

We look forward to your reply!

God bless & all the best! As ONE,
____ & Army of YAH


1. WHO ARE YOU? (We call ourselves, Army of YAH). We are a Grassroots Movement of about 6 dozen Patriots, in the process of calling every Sheriff across America, looking for ONE who's willing to obtain a warrant on behalf of the good people of their County.

2. HOW HAS DR. FAUCI HURT MY CONSTITUENTS? As stated, we have the Dossier outlining the 10 CRIMES he's committed, and the new, whistleblower evidence revealing the Social Security Death Files and 'All Cause Mortality' death rate to be on average 30% higher since the vaccine's rollout. But at the very least, we have him caught on tape committing perjury - not once, but three times - and any one of those lies have cost any number of your constituents their jobs, money, health, loved ones & even their own lives.

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