Almost effortless elderberry syrup!

4 years ago

(important update: only store enough of this syrup in the refrigerator to last 3-4 weeks. The rest needs to be frozen in wide-mouth jars. I found out the hard way that mold can form on the sides above the liquid in a couple of months! Real disappointment. )

So...I made a tiny miscalculation here: I had 11 quart jars of frozen elderberries taking up a lot of room in the freezer. So I took 2 of those quart jars and made 4 1/2 quarts of elderberry syrup! plan: next time, I make the syrup thicker by using equal parts of water and berries. And--I will make two or three batches of elderberry jelly. Jelly is much more concentrated. Jelly is much tastier. But--jelly is a lot more work!

This syrup is very simple: berries + water, simmer 30 minutes, let set overnight (or 6-8 hours), strain, and stir in honey or vegetable glycerin. Pour into mason jars--it will keep in the fridge for several weeks if you make it with glycerin. If using honey, I'd use smaller jars. It will ferment after a month or two--at least that's what happened to me last time!

My revised recipe--the one I'll make next time-- uses 8 cups frozen elderberries, 8 cups water, and 4 cups of honey or vegetable glycerin.

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