Refuting RationalWiki on Capitalism

2 years ago

RationalWiki is no different to many other Wiki websites, unfortunately, when it comes to the political Left, they use these websites in cult like fashion, their go-to place for all information in cult-like fashion. The problem is with Wiki websites like RationalWiki is that they can be manipulated to suit the agenda of a particular type.

To be fair, this particular article wasn't written by someone claiming to be against capitalism, however, it is very clear that whoever typed it out doesn't understand capitalism themselves. Much like I pointed out before, this isn't just a problem among Marxists, it's a very common problem amongst the so-called 'conservative' movement.

It is worth noting that I honestly hadn't read this RationalWiki page before hand, instead, I went straight ahead and read it from scratch, but isn't it funny how I could predict where things were going with the usual rhetoric about how things would lead to an apparent 'dangerous concentration of wealth in the hands of the few' or the usual if left unchecked all these monopolies would spring up from everywhere and that the person who posted the RationalWiki article on capitalism probably believes in the myth of the Robber Barons?

Well, it sadly turned out to be true and only serves to prove the point of how predictable these people really are. They haven't a clue about capitalism and are completely irrational for even attempting on any level to associate capitalism with that of collectivism because that is essentially what these people are doing by trying to remove capitalism from individualism to any extent. After all, you don't see people being forced into a collective group forced to subsidise the losses of special-interest groups like you saw in the lead up to the banking crisis for nothing, you saw that because collectivism is present to some extent, it's a mixed economy.

It is sadly people like this who "claim" to support capitalism, but it's their hindered belief that government must keep things in check that inevitably led to the rise of the monopolies, oligopolies and cartels. Perhaps if he mentioned about low levels of government regulation, I would excuse him, but even then, spouting rhetoric that in the absence of government intervention about the myth of the Robber Barons, really!?

Sadly, these are the places all too common for such ignorance to flock to for their information on capitalism, thus the reason I felt like refuting such nonsense.

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