The Synthetic Nature of Biology

4 years ago

I am reading from : Ambivalences of Creating Life - Societal and Philosophical Dimensions of Synthetic Biology (pp.9-53)
Edition: Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment Chapter: The Synthetic Nature of Biology Publisher: Springer Editors: Kristin Hagen, Margret Engelhard, Georg Toepfer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21088-9_2

you can download the chapter from the following link

In the video, I mention Cyborg yeast genes run by computer from BBC 2011 linked below

I hope you will please forgive me as I butcher the pronunciation of multiple words as I read.

Meet the first Species who's parent is a Computer as well as the first Species to have a WWW address built into its Genetic Code- DNA....
If you change the software (DNA) inside the hardware (BODY) you change the species...
"By swapping out the chromosome it completely changed one species into another...
Ted Talk Venter did on Synthetic Life in 2011

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