#Covfefe Break: Walking Away, SJW Cult, and Mystery Chris

4 years ago

October 26, 2020
Keri co-hosts along with special guest “Mystery Chris," who is off-camera and remains anonymous as he is in the category Joe Biden considers to not be a “real" black person: he voted for Trump in 2016 and plans to do so again. But in Chris' opinion, white SJWs “treat us like pets.”

Keri and Chris discuss walking away from the Democrat Party and voting for Trump. They chat about systemic racism - does it exist? They go over Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) being used by Social Media companies acting as publishers while hiding behind the legal protections it offers. How long can they get away with using the platform protections of Section 230 while censoring particular content and effectively acting as publishers? They then discuss how woke big corporations are now embraced by many on the left, the opposite of traditional leftists, and the similarities and differences between SJW ideology and other cults, such as Scientology.

Keri highlights the recent Tampax announcement that not all people who have periods and use tampons are women, and the two discuss Chelsea Handler reminding 50 Cent he is black as a way to pressure him into voting for Biden. They contemplate the fact that a college degrees in Heteronormative Writings in 18th Century Literature exists, and finally talk about a women getting her dying Father to vote for Biden as one of his final acts and the left’s celebration of the use of one’s parents and children to push an ideology.

Carter was unavailable today at the last minute due to neighborhood infrastructure problems. His neighborhood had a power outage. This alone doesn't stop him as he has a home generator to handle CA’s rolling brownouts. But then a tree fell and took out his cable line, and with both problems he can’t get fast enough internet to host. He was in chat however, with a low rate intermittent connection. Welcome to the Democratic People’s Republic of California, which seems to have the power grid reliability of a third world country.

CNN article, "Conservatives push to discredit Facebook, Twitter, and Google just days before the election":

Tampax tweet from September:

Oreo tweet on pronoun "education":

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