How to Correct Wrong Doctrine (Part 1) Disagreeing with Fellow Believers

2 years ago

#howtocorrectwrongdoctrine #disagreeingwithfellowbelievers #wrongdoctrine

Welcome to This Week in the Word!
My mission is to encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

This weeks study: How to Correct Wrong Doctrine (Part 1) Disagreeing with Fellow Believers

In this week's study, we continue in our Doctrine Basics series, looking to the Bible to understand this intense subject of judging others by what they teach and believe. This is a heated topic with lots of differing opinions. As Bible believers we don't esteem the opinions of man, we what to know what the Bible says about the matter. We are supposed to stand for truth and correct wrong doctrine, and it is okay to disagree with a fellow believer without separation. The instruction we see from the Bible may surprise you.

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