How to germinate any seeds naturally using Spirulina & coral, step by step instructions in details

4 years ago

Germinating any type of seeds can Be opened this way. You don't need to use chemicals ever. There's natural ways to do everything.
So here's the steps, that you need to follow

Step 1 get yourself as little as a gram of seaweed
Step 2 get a small piece of coral
Step 3 fill a plastic cup one third of water
Step 4 Place coral & seaweed in water
Step 5 Then put seeds in the water
Step 6 Pput the cup in a dark place which is also warm & leave it there for 2 days.

After 1st say check to see if seeds have gone under the water, if not push the seeds under the water. By the 2nd day your seeds should have split open showing the tap root, they are now ready to be put into the soil or another medium.

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