RPG Maker MV/MZ Tutorial: 10 Cool Tips & Tricks

4 years ago

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Here are 10 cool tips & tricks I've learned in RPG Maker MV & MZ, that I think could be very valuable to a lot of RPG maker users.
Hope you find something new here! I did my best to cover topics here that others did not.

00:00 Why hello hello!
00:07 Tip#1 Hold Ctrl key to pass through collisions
00:16 Tip#2 Press F1 to open plugin help menu
00:42 Tip#3 Face stacking
01:00 Tip#4 Unlimited Balloon Icons
01:17 Tip#5 Cross Features between MV and MZ
02:00 Tip#6 Autosaving in MV
02:17 Tip#7 A More Controlled Transfer Event
02:52 Tip#8 Face Pop-out effect in Message box
03:19 Tip#9 Face Emerge Effect in Message Box (for speech balloons)
03:36 Tip#10 Pixelated Upscaling

Here are the scripts for the tips brought up in the video:

--------Tip#4 Unlimited Balloon Icons
For MZ:
$gameTemp.requestBalloon(this.character(EventID), BalloonID);

For MV:

(I got these from a Japanese tutorial)

--------Tip#6 Autosaving in MV

if(DataManager.saveGame(1)) {

if(DataManager.loadGame(1)) {
$gamePlayer.reserveTransfer($gameMap.mapId(), $gamePlayer.x, $gamePlayer.y);

(I got these save scripts from Aloe Gunver, from the following forum post)

--------Tip#10 Pixelated Upscaling
Check the pinned comment in this video's comment section. I can't post the script here since YouTube does not allow angle brackets in its description.
I learned about pixelated upscaling from Sparckman's video:
And I have made a video showcasing it previously once too:

--------Tip#5 Cross Features between MV and MZ
I want to speak about cross-features a bit more.
You can export your MV game through the MZ editor, for a performance boost.
I've showcased the performance difference here between MV & MZ: (for an MV game)
Do keep in mind, if you are exporting your MV project, through the MZ editor. Then export it without selecting any of the deployment options.
If you check 'exclude unused files' or try to encrypt. Your deployed game would crash.
You can encrypt and exclude unused files by deploying with MV first. And then, move all your assets (audio and img folders) to the same project you deployed with MZ. For MV's encryption to work for the deployed MZ version of the game, you would need to also transfer MV's system.json file, to MZ's data folder.
Hope this makes sense.

--------Tip#8 Face Pop-out effect
Just wanted to drop in a credit for this. I got the idea for the effect from an rpg maker game called 'Made of Dirt'.

--------Bonus Tip#11 (Readers exclusive!)
If you have deployed the game, and want to make a small change in an event or database. (Like... you found one typo.) Then make the changes in your project, and just transfer the specific map.json file you made edits in (or the specific database json file) and transfer it to your deployed project's data folder.
(You don't need to deploy your game again and again. For every little update.)
Also, I definitely did not forget to include this in the video...
ha... be sure to subscribe to the channel and consider playing my games, and supporting me on patreon.
Thank you!


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AAAAAaaaandd... be sure to join the discord!

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