12 Reasons Donald Trump Will Win in 2020

4 years ago

Here are the 12 reasons in bullet points, for context please listen to the video. This is not partasian the next video I do will be 10 reasons Trump could lose the election. For more of what I do in my podcast visit http://tspc.co

Trump can't win montage from 2016! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G87UXIH8Lzo

1. Law Enforcement Vote
2. The General Union Vote
3. The Black Vote
4. The Hispanic Vote
5. The Jewish Vote
6. Military Vote
7. Damage from Laptop Gate is Real
8. All the Trump dirty laundry is old news
9. Anti Lock Down Sentiment
10. A massive enthusiasm gap
11. The Fake News argument is stronger that it was in 2016
12. The hidden democrat vote

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