Here is The Love Of God!

2 years ago

Their was a Movie where This Man Tortures and rapes this Cops Kid And says one word one breath , and just like I got you now , I will Kill Your mother after doing to her what I did to you ,except with a lot more flame and gasoline. And Then I'll Kill the only one left to care not because you mean anything to him just That it makes him look like less of a Big Child Raping Pig That He and Your Mother Fucker Made their Lives about hurting and raping The poor and innocent, and I work with your Mom and Dad today was your turn to figure out what this p[lace and realm is all about , and how this is what your mother and father do to ever other Child. And Now Your One Of Us. Then I show him pictures of The Children Your dad rapes and steals from and their parents and the starved Homeless Children, and then all the hate and pain they cause , And Now You get to join the ranks of the Hate filled League of Those who Work for The One true God Of this Word Satan , Lucifer The Only God of Might and Power, For now this power Nis yours as well to hold over men and their Pathetic Daughters of their King!! Join us now as we rule for all eternity In Our Glorious New Creations we shall Be Given Over To The True Light Of Lucifer The Mighty! The The Rest Of The Clocked Brethren Come From The four Corners Of Earth Bringing each gift's for the alter or air Fire and Water, And Come Yours's Shall be The Living Blood , No NO, Your trial is over this night fear Not You are under LORD LUCIFERS Wing Now! & Forever Never Fear again, Except Disobedience, DO Not Disobey!! Now Come To The Alter and see what New Gift's Lucifer Who Is Holy And Generous, as you shall " Experience " BRINGS ANEW! Yes! To The alter of Stone In The Center Of The triangle Squared Circle Where The items has Been arranged, And Your Brethren Stand with their backs to the alter, take the blade and thrust it into the Babies Heart ! ( Don't worry it's all legal We took this after birth from The Clinic it's an irregular Birth late trimester termination ( Open Air ) all technical legal jargon , anyway ) TAKE THE BLADE IN HAND Now Do It! Quick!! Thrust it into The Heart Of The Child ! Do It! Now! I Command you In The Name of Satan !! AAHH! @!*!@? Wailing Subsides The abortion was a success Doctor Ha! Ha!, Welcome Jimmy Your a God among Men Now Your an L.A Super Masonic! Welcome to the team Were Super sonic.

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