Censorship, Entanglement & Corruption: The Israel Lobby 2021 Agenda - Grant F. Smith

4 years ago

Grant F. Smith is the author of seven books about the Israel lobby, and research director of IRmep. His most recent books are "Big Israel: How Israel's Lobby Moves America" (2016) and "The Israel Lobby Enters State Government: Rise of the Virginia Israel Advisory Board" (2019).

Continuing an election year tradition, Smith presented his most recent research findings about Israel affinity organization legislative, executive agency and state government lobbying initiatives. He discussed in depth the trajectory, roles and relative importance of Jewish establishment lobbying (such as AIPAC and the Zionist Organization of America) vs. relatively more recent Christian Zionist lobbying.

Smith also explored the Israel lobby's latest major program—importing and subsidizing Israeli companies to compete with domestic U.S. companies. As a case study, Smith gave an update on recent initiatives and the cloud of corruption enveloping the Virginia Israel Advisory Board, VIAB.


List of other resources mentioned by Smith in this video:

Video "Settler Colonialism from America to Palestine" - Dr. Walter Hixson

"Stealing the Atom Bomb: How Denial and Deception Armed Israel" by Dr. Roger Mattson

"DIVERT! NUMEC, Zalman Shapiro, and the Diversion of US Weapons Grade Uranium Into the Israeli Nuclear Weapons Program" by Grant F. Smith

Video "The NUMEC Cover-up: The Diversion of U.S. Weapons Grade Uranium from NUMEC to Israel"

Video "Expropriate, Capture & Marginalize: the Energix business model from Palestine to the US" https://youtu.be/z3GpKwdSzCY

"Spy Trade: How Israel's Lobby Undermines America's Economy" by Grant F. Smith

Video: "The US-Israel Free Trade Area: AIPAC, Espionage and Analysis"

Presentation slides are available at: https://IRmep.org/PDF/10292020_gfs_v12.pdf
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