Lock Every Door 🚪

4 years ago

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Happy Book Club Thursday, Glam Readers! 📘🍂

Here are our discussion questions for Lock Every Door:

Ice Breaker - How do you create ambiance and atmosphere for your fall reading? Is there music you listen to, or candles you burn, snacks that pair well, etc. What pairs well with the vibe or theme of this book or November’s read?

1. What was your experience reading Lock Every Door and how many 🚪 (doors) would you rate it?

2. This is the second book we’ve read in a row with a plot revolving around a book. Like our September selection, Jon Cohen’s Harry’s Trees, Riley Sager’s Lock Every Door explores the line between fantasy and fiction. (Page (p. 114 & 245-246) How does your reading life and your personal life explore the line between fantasy and fiction?

3. Are the poems Ingrid sent Jules significant? I didn’t see a tie but when there’s an authorial literary flex it’s time to do some digging.
- Page 49: I could Not Stop For Death by Emily Dickenson - https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47652/because-i-could-not-stop-for-death-479
- Page 70: Remember by Christina Rossetti - https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45000/remember-56d224509b7ae
- Page 71: Fire & Ice by Robert Frost - https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44263/fire-and-ice
- Page 133: The Bells by Edgar Allan Poe - https://poets.org/poem/bells

4. How does Lock Every Door explore what it means to be haunted by the past, both our own and the past of the places we occupy? Have you ever been haunted by the past?

5. When did you realize the identity of the killer?
(Sidenote: There is also a blue moon on Halloween this year, yikes!)

6. Sager (a man) seems to be prodding at society’s dismissal of young adult women as disposable, and also at fault, crazy, and in need of calm. This is highlighted in the way Jules unceremoniously loses her job, her boyfriend and ultimately her sanity, leaving her without viable options. On page 265, her voice is literally taken from her as she is physically silenced by two males who are ostensibly there to help her. Finally, she loses control of her body. Do you feel that theme is a through-line in the novel and throughout the thriller genre?


Next Patreon Livestream: November 12th @ 6 PM Pacific
November’s Book Club Meeting: November 19th @ 6 PM Pacific

📚 October's Read - Lock Every Door - https://amzn.to/3mR2OPK
📚 November’s Read - Campaign Widows - https://amzn.to/34FaBcl
📚 2020 Book Club Titles - https://shop.paperandglam.com/collections/book-club/products/book-club-planner-kit
📚 Book Club Planner Stickers - https://shop.paperandglam.com/collections/book-club
📧 Sign up for our Book Club newsletter - https://mailchi.mp/paperandglam.com/glamdigest

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TAGS: #paperandglambookclub #paperandglam #booktube

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