Just Because You Want To! (Doesn't Mean You Should)

4 years ago

“Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly. “
-Julie Andrews

We live in a world consumed with illegitimate wants.......from booze, to sex, to drugs, to materialism, right down to needing to be right.

If you live by the philosophy if just because I want to do something I should you will most likely end up with liver and lung cancer, AIDS, 123 kids, deeply in debt just to name a few things.

We all must develop the self discipline to fulfill our essential purpose; to become the Greatest-Versions-of-Ourselves.

It is here that we will find the ultimate gift; love.

All else is a poor substitute.

Just because you want to do something doesn’t mean you should.

Jonathan Dunn is an award-winning coach who helps individuals and teams become the greatest-versions-of-themselves. He is also a dynamic public speaker and corporate facilitator for groups from 10 to 1,000. His topics range from internal corporate communication to creative inspiration, to the power of creating a caring culture to living a fun and fulfilling life. His sense of humor, style, and mode of presentation is always original, always colorful, and always memorable. Testimonials provided upon request.

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