Breaking! Evidence Shows Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Profiting From Ukraine Weapons Shipments.

2 years ago

Nancy Pelosi has long been suspected of insider trading. However, her crimes are much larger! Evidence shows that her husband is linked to Aerojet Rocketdyne by way of an indirect partnership and real estate investment. She has been profiting from the war in Ukraine and the government contracts that have been handed out to U.S defense companies. #nancypelosi #insidertrading #ukraine #ukrainewar #militaryindustrialcomplex #joebiden

4) Mosher Partners LP- Produces and Income of $1-$5,000,000 for Paul Pelosi. Linked to The Eastman Development Company by way of a ranching operation focused around cattle, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of GenCorp INC., who since 2015, is doing business as Aerojet Rocketdyne (ARJD).Rocketdyne was was supposed to merge earlier this year with Lockhead Martin on a $4.4 billion acquisition. On Jan 25th, 2022 the Federal Trade Commission blocked the merger with a law suit stating that
Aerojet, as a subcontractor, is the last independent U.S. supplier of critical inputs for missile systems, hypersonic cruise missiles, and missile defense kill vehicles. Aerojet and only one other competitor – Northrop Grumman – compete to provide propulsion inputs for missile systems and hypersonic cruise missiles to defense prime contractors. Aerojet and Northrop Grumman both provide solid rocket motors for missile systems and supersonic combustion ramjets, or “scramjets,” which are air-breathing engines that propel hypersonic cruise missiles. Further, Aerojet is the only proven U.S. supplier of divert-and-attitude control systems that propel missile defense kill vehicles.   

  The FTC is suing to block Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest defense contractor, from eliminating Aerojet, our nation’s last independent supplier of key missile inputs,” said FTC Bureau of Competition Director Holly Vedova.

On Feb 15, 2022 Lockheed through out the merger agreement. That was just 9 days before Russia Invaded Ukraine.

Rocketdyne makes the critical components of missile defense programs such as STANDARD Missile, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), Ground-based Missile Defense (GMD), PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) and Homing All the Way Killer (HAWK).
Production programs include solid rocket motors for Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS), Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS), STANDARD Missile Mk 72 and Mk 104, Tactical Tomahawk Mk 135, Javelin, Griffin™, PATRIOT PAC-2 Guidance Enhanced Missile TBM (GEM-T) and Stinger.


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