The Ekklesia Project - Episode 72

2 years ago

A freedman of God hosting a journey to discover the lost ekklesia of God.
In this one of a few introductory episodes to our study of 1 Corinthians 12, we will examine the role and person of the Spirit of God by analyzing John 1:1-5 among various other passages. We are doing this to gain a deeper understanding of the Spirit described in 1 Corinthians 12 as bringing together, orchestrating, and equipping the ekklesia members with gifts so they better perform their roles as body parts of a full body of Christ to express the full person of Christ as an ekklesia of God. My prayer is that the introductory episodes will enhance our understanding and appreciation of how essential and necessary it is for the Holy Spirit to be conduction our gatherings as New Covenant believers. There is no substitute, nor should any believer want one.

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