Hornady Critical Duty 45ACP 220gr +P Gel Test

2 years ago

In this weeks video, I test out the Hornady Critical Duty in 45 ACP. The critical duty is a very well known line of self defense ammo from Hornady, so this 220gr +p load should perform very well out of my Springfield XD-M.

0:00 Intro
1:31 Polymer Tip
2:48 Shooting
3:02 Slo-Mo
3:26 Inspection
7:16 Wound Track Close Up
7:39 Recovered Bullet
8:16 Final Thoughts
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thekalkara131
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/TheKalkara131
Gunstreamer: https://gunstreamer.com/@TheKalkara131
Handgun Wounding Factors And Effectiveness: http://gundata.org/images/fbi-handgun-ballistics.pdf
Music: Cutting It Close
Artist: DJ Freedom
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iYXppzlNMU
Any opinions, advice, or recommendations given in this video are solely the opinion of the individual giving them, not the official stance or position of any other entity, agency or department.

I am not a professional. Not a medical professional, not a ballistics expert. Take everything said with that grain of salt.

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