Honest Doubts

2 years ago

Honest DoubtsLong before the days of “fake news”— a prominent television producer was quoted and would often would quip to his reporters, “There are some stories that are just too good to check out.” Is the gospel of Jesus Christ like that? Is the account of God becoming a man, dying for our sins, and raising from the dead really true? Or is it a fictitious story designed to inspire naïve people to give their money? Can the Bible story of Jesus withstand a thorough investigation? Or is it too good to check out? Maybe you felt guilty because you doubt it the Bible, so you just keep those questions to yourself. Because after all, Christians are supposed to be people of faith. It may surprise you to discover that John the Baptist experienced doubts about Jesus. John was the first one to identify Jesus as the Messiah. John was praised by Jesus as being the greatest man who ever lived. but near the end of his life, John experienced doubts.

When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples to ask him, “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” Matthew 11:2

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