2022-06-18 Roe v. Wade Decision - Support for Mothers in Arkansas

2 years ago

Visiting first on the phone is Jerry Cox from Family Council on the effect of the upcoming Supreme Court decision dealing with Roe v. Wade.

Then, in the studio are Susie Everett with Women Equipped/Saline County, a new mom with her 5-week old son, and Janet Dickerson with New Beginnings Pregnancy Center in Saline County, an independent center that plays a vital role for women who want to have their baby instead of having an abortion.

Women Equipped preps and assists women with a 12-week program to help find employment and improve their quality of life while traveling that path.

New Beginnings Pregnancy Center in Saline County: https://nbpregnancy.com/
Women Equipped in Saline County: https://womenequippedsaline.org/

Both organizations can help find services across Arkansas, as well. Please SHARE with someone you know.

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