BASES 2022 Speakers and Video Promos for July 8th to 10th

2 years ago

BASES 2022 Speakers and their lectures
8th - 9th -10th July 2022
Bouverie Hall, Pewsey, Wiltshire
Andrea Foulkes
No Karma, No Drama
The pathway to Soul Freedom and navigating your ways emotionally beyond 2022
Ben Emlyn Jones
Apocalypse Soon. It's the end of the world, but NOT as we know it... Don't let the title put you off; this is a cheerful tail, rapture etc? Why can it be found in all cultures and mindsets? Maybe it's something good rather than bad.

Colin Woolford
Decoding Star Wars
Are there higher truths encoded into the Star Wars films relating to the origins of man and extra terrestrial visitors to our planet?
Bob Brown
An audience and interview with Bob Brown, with Jemma Cooper and Colin Woolford

Gloria Moss
The war between opposing personalities: the non-woke Awake and Psychopaths
Harry Rhodes
Harry of ‘the Ether’- the latest groundbreaking work on etheric technology with practical demonstrations
Karen Dodd – founder of The Freedom Network
From Here to Eternity Simple steps to unplug from the matrix and gain your angel wings to ascension
Kerry Cassidy
Trans-humanism & The Takeover of the Planet
Kerry Murray – United Free Press
Kerry and some of his members of the United Press will explain what the United Free Press is all about and why it is needed
Maria Wheatley
Sacred Designs : From Stone Circles to Druid Temples
Martin Colborne
The Ancient Mysteries and the Gnostic Counterfeit Spirit
Matthew Williams
Dark Holes People Don’t Want You to Let You in (AKA Urbex)
Michael Shrimpton
Insights into the public narrative from within the intelligence community
Mike Emery
Save the Planet and your Godhood
& Bubble-Tech orgone technologies
Prof Valentina Zharkova

Lecture - Solar Magnetic Fields, their roll in forming the solar activity and the fact of solar activity on the earth and other planets.

Sandi Adams
Lecture - “Awareness of the Agenda and the plan for Global Governance with the restriction of all our personal freedoms is the key to liberation of our souls- we are in a spiritual war and will reach a tipping point if consciousness rises above those who seek to enslave”

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