Halloween 2020 - CizreK Live (10-31-2020)

4 years ago

It's been a year since I have messed around with Live Music Performances. A year exactly because the last time I did this was literally Halloween last year. I am extremely rusty. I use to go 5+ hours without making any mistakes. Tonight I tried to do a session but kept running into issues. It took me forever to get everything set up due to technical difficulties. Some of my gear and loopers are glitching or messing up. It sucks but it is not a huge deal moreso that I don't know what areas to not mess with so I make mistakes. This section was pretty cool tho. I need to jump back into doing this and WD-40 the rust off. lol.

Happy Halloween!

NI Maschine MK1 / NI Maschine MK2 / MicroKorg / Kaoss Pad 3 / Kaossilator / Casio CTK-451 / AKG D5 / Zoom 606 / Ibanez 7-String / Alesis QX25

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All music and sound was created by my mouth & synths.


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