Jessica Priya Testifies @ BOE on Covid-19 Protocol

2 years ago

June 16, 2022, Jessica Priya brought up the completely unnecessary discriminatory practice of forcing unvaxxed kids to stay home for 10 days after sitting next to a “close contact,” while the vaxxed kids get to keep attending school. The BOE had covid-19 protocol on the agenda. They vote on policy in which HIDOE adopts and imposes on public schools statewide. Jessica brought up other important things and also discussed the unnecessary sexualization of children in these schools with the new pornographic gay sex reading literature found in public school libraries endorsed by a radical lgbtq focus group in a Washington DC for God knows what reason. (Wait until you see Antoinette testify on this subject, you will be shocked) The interesting thing is that some of these BOE members will give us signs that they don’t want to wear their muzzle by taking them off momentarily but as soon as the meeting starts they put on the face diaper in a virtue signaling effort to appease the other BOE members of the mask cult. The mask wearing is not required by the way but they do it because of peer pressure and to fit in with the BOE DOE unified effort to mask up. No, I don’t believe for one minute that these folks are afraid of getting covid to justify their face diapers, if you were here to observe them during their breaks you would see the bullsh*t for yourself.

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