4 years ago

This message was delivered on Sunday, Nov. 1 2020 at The Stone. We journeyed further into God’s Sovereignty and brought revelation and distinction of our Dual Citizenship, The Plumbline, The Ekklesia and calling on our “Inner-Daniel.” We HIGHLY encourage you to read the entire chapter of Proverbs 11 (The Passion) during this decision season ...
Prov. 11:1  To set high standards for someone else, and then not live up to them yourself, is something that God truly hates. But it pleases him when we apply the right standards of measurement. SHALOM ~ Bishop RC #irrigateasyounavigate #dualcitizenship #theplumbline #ekklesiaisnow #wakeupmyinnerdaniel #afalsebalanceisanabomination

* As a note ... In this particular message, our system indicated that we were NOT live. However, we are grateful that indeed WE WERE!

* As well, as a matter of clarification ... In the beginning of the message there was a reference to the scripture in Eph. 6:13 of “wrestling with principalities and powers.” As you listen to the context of the entire message today, the statement concerning this quote was in reference to the Kingdom of Heaven versus the kingdoms of this world ... Our DUAL citizenship as believers. The reference was referring to the fact that the Apostle Paul was referring to His Apostolic sphere and our Kingdom citizenship in that the wrestling with principalities, powers and rulers of wickedness of the darkness and spiritual wickedness are in the kingdoms of THIS WORLD and NOT our warfare in The Kingdom of God.

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