"Engineered Biostructure" Clots Collected From Deceased Covid Vaccine Victims

2 years ago

"Engineered Biostructure" Clots Collected From Deceased Covid Vaccine Victims

June 16, 2022

Health Ranger Report

Health Ranger Conducts Live Microscopy Analysis

The only people left to speak for the dead who perished due to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccination" seem to be those in the independent media who are not influenced by a corporate agenda. This includes Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, who during a recent guest hosting of "The Alex Jones Show" on Infowars conducted a live microscopy analysis of the jab-induced clots that formed in the now-deceased "fully vaccinated."

Keep in mind that what you are about to see is highly disturbing, and those with sensitivity to gross medical imagery should take caution while viewing. You should also know that the clots shown and analyzed by the Health Ranger are not blood clots, but rather "engineered biostructures" that appear to have self-assembled inside the bodies of the now-deceased.

"I've got a vial of clots that were removed from the deceased," the Health Ranger explained during the segment. "These dead human beings are going to be, in essence, speaking to the world through these images and this microscopy that we're doing here today. We have become, in essence, speakers for the dead."

"And what is the message from the dead today? It is a warning for humanity. It is a warning that says we must halt immediately all of these experimental covid vaccines on a global basis. We must halt them now or many millions more may die. And what you're about to see will be absolutely shocking. You're going to be blown away by what is being pulled out of these people. And some of it is so large that it is the diameter of one of your fingers."

The Health Ranger was joined by Infowars' Harrison Smith, who provided context and reaction to what the microscope revealed about the engineered biostructure clots – the live microscopy analysis begins at around the 14:00 minute mark in the segment below, which is part one of three of the entire show:

Can you believe foreign structures this large are forming inside the bodies of the "fully vaccinated?"

According to the embalmers the Health Ranger spoke with, they have never seen these types of clots before in a deceased human body. This is an entirely new phenomenon that came about following the unleashing of these injections under Operation Warp Speed.

One of these embalmers, and the one who provided the Health Ranger with the samples for analysis, is Richard Hirschman. These samples were then stained with iodine, prepared on slides, and looked at through a lens that magnifies up to 1,500 times.

An urgent care physician who chose to remain anonymous by using an altered voice also participated in the segment, offering input for viewers and listeners as to what was being seen on the slides and how these engineered biostructures impact the body.

"The vial that Mike is holding looks like little tiny earthworm looking things," Smith stated upon seeing what the Health Ranger picked up before placing it under the microscope. "It's really pretty gross, and that came out of a human being."

The Health Ranger responded by explaining that these are among the smaller samples. Other engineered biostructure samples pulled from fully jabbed cadavers are the size of a human finger.

"These are blocking femoral arteries, they're blocking carotid arteries, some people are having to have femoral artery bypass surgery in order to not die," the Health Ranger explained.

"And when these lodge near your hands or toes, they will cut off circulation to your extremities, which is called peripheral cardiovascular disease typically, and they can cause your fingers and toes to turn black."







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