Moomoo the Dirt Lovin' Cow

2 years ago

Occurred on June 1, 2022 / Alvarado, Texas, U

Info from Licensor: "The cow featured in this video is Moomoo. She is a Jersey cow who lives on a small ranch in Texas. She has 9 horse friends, 2 dog friends, 4 cat friends, and one Jersey cow friend who is a little younger than her. She is playful, friendly, sweet, and smart. When we brought home her Jersey cow friend, she literally started streaming tears of joy down her cheeks. She apparently loves her dirt, which we were using to fertilize some new shade trees that we planted for her (she will thank us later!). Moomoo is a special part of our family, providing us with fresh, delicious milk and love. We look forward to watching her grow and learn to trust us more as the years pass. We are so happy that so many people enjoyed watching her 'temper tantrum.'"

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