FULL BODY FAT LOSS WORKOUT IN 7 DAYS (no jumping no noise) Free Home Workout Guide

2 years ago

FULL BODY FAT LOSS WORKOUT IN 7 DAYS (no jumping no noise) Free Home Workout Guide! ADVANCED: DO 3-4 Sets, BEGINNERS DO 1-3 Sets! SUBSCRIBE

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This Full Body Fat Loss Workout in 7 Days is designed to burn fat as effectively as possible in the comfort of your home!

By doing these workout at home you will be able to lower your body fat generally, which will in turn help you reduce fat from the 'problem' areas, such as thighs, belly, arms, butt or chest.

Enjoy the workouts, and please do hit that like button, subscribe and leave a comment below.

No equipment required for this FULL BODY FAT LOSS WORKOUT IN 7 DAYS (no jumping no noise)! ❤️💪 That's right! In today's animated workout video you're going to be doing these exercises and they're really helpful too in strengthening your body, toning muscles, and burning fat for weight loss. These fitness routines will help you reach your goals and spice up your usual core game.

0:00 - Start FULL BODY FAT LOSS WORKOUT IN 7 DAYS (no jumping no noise) Free Home Workout Guide
0:14 - Sumo Squats
0:57 - Side Kick Squats
1:41 - Standing Bicycle Crunches
2:25 - Trunk Circles
3:09 - Inchworms
3:54 - Hip Thrusters
4:38 - Lateral Lunge (Right Side)
5:22 Lateral Lunge (Left Side)

Make sure to follow along with our animated fitness videos and exercise on a regular basis to see quicker and faster results!

**If you want to be notified when we upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. We upload new animated workout videos every week!

Thanks for watching our youtube video: FULL BODY FAT LOSS WORKOUT IN 7 DAYS (no jumping no noise) Free Home Workout Guide

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