Cities Create Leftists, What is a Defensible Position, Get Out Now and More

4 years ago

This video is one segment from The Survival Podcast Episode 2765, the full episode is here

When I tell people to get out of the cities especially now with all the riots I think they get the wrong idea about WHY. The violence is only the latest issue, soon you won't be able to even afford a place outside of these places. Move now.

When I say defensible position I am not just talking about defense against violence either, I am talking about defense of your way of life and the things you most want the freedom to do. The left has been winning for over 100 years now because they think long term, they are creating leftists like factories in our schools and in our cities. You can deny it, you can pretend it isn't true but it is happening and it isn't going to stop.

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