Last Call to Become God's Eternal Family | Ep19 FBC2 | Grace Road Church

4 years ago

Are you truly God’s Eternal Family? Who can become God’s Eternal Family? Just by going to church? Just by plunging yourself in water in the name of baptism, or by having your feet washed? It says in Jeremiah 2:4. “Hear the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel.”
Everyone around the world whom God has chosen from before time began is "the house of Jacob that is all the families of the house of Israel.” Now in our generation God Himself is calling for everyone around the world who are His chosen to form "the eternal family." Hear and understand the word of "the new covenant that is the eternal gospel," proclaimed by the Spirit of Truth and wake up! Return to the Truth now.

"My sheep hear My voice,
and I know them, and they follow Me"
-John 10:27-

For your own soul's sake,
open up your Bible, follow along, read together,
and see if this message is biblical.
This single clip of the Word of God can save your soul.

We see, hear, understand, believe, and live by the Bible, by the word of the only true living God our Father.
Our mission is to proclaim God's voice to all corners of the world and prepare God's children for the Tribulation and the Second Coming.
God works through people; Jesus Christ and the Spirit of Truth also came in flesh.

For more information: (Grace Road Church)
• Phone: (679) 918-2746
• Address: Grace Road Food Company, Lot 11 Wainidova Road, Navua, P.O. Box 561, Pacific Harbour, Fiji

#grchurchfiji #gospel #sermon #lastTrumpet #israel #holyspirit #inspirational #jacob #bible #interpretation #judgment #tribulation #rapture #feetwashing

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