The Way I Install "Systemback 1.8.402" on Ubuntu-based distros...

4 years ago

I have been asked more than once in recent comments for more detail regarding methodology to install the REAL ['Kendek'] version of "Systemback". It was deemed 'over-and-out' functionally by the bulk of mainstream users after support was ceased by the developer/maintainer ['Kendek'] just shy of five years ago, around the time of code base 16.04/10 for Ubuntu, and 'Jessie' for Debian. I thought I would try and make it work myself, so messed around in my head, and managed to find a workaround or two that would extend its use, and it is still good-to-go if my method is followed, even with the 20.04 code-base. I have tried all the Ubuntu family, PopOS, Linux Mint, and one or two other fringe Ubuntu spins, and all still work in their latest guise.
In this video I have laid clear the two immediately available methods I deploy, and also discuss the differences needed for Debian [and Devuan!] based systems.
Thanks for the interst, and comments.
Best wishes, and stay safe.

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