Election Disaster: Half the nation mourns & the whole nation loses

4 years ago

Whether Biden or Trump wins, the nation loses. I am a studious avoider of left-right politics preferring the up-down axis.

Neither party has advanced meaningful ideas for any of our biggest and most vexing problems and predicaments.

#1: there's no comprehensive energy policy that comports with reality. Nothing. It's the biggest oversight of them all. It leaves us all horribly unprepared for the future

#2: The US sick care system bankrupts more than 600,000 US families each year even as the US spend more than 2x as much per capita as other nations (who also enjoy better outcomes). Why no protests over this vile way we treat ourselves here in the US? Ever think about that?

#3: Monetary and fiscal policy. Neither party is going to do anything but more of the same. And where has that gotten us? to the largest fiscal deficits on record, the largest amount of money printing ever, and the widest wealth gap ever.

This all leads to one rock-solid conclusion. No matter how this turns out, we all lose. So you'd better be working on your personal and community resilience.


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