Dr. Simone Gold - The Brave Medical Doctor - Is Now Under Attack !!

2 years ago

USA - Richard Citizen Journalist in his Telegram channel of today (Link see below):
Dr. Simone Gold Entering and leaving court today. I spoke to her today prior to court. I asked her how she was feeling. She said “I feel like my life is in someone else’s hand”

After court she was upset and I didn’t ask her for comments. She has been on the no fly list and had to drive from Florida for court. There was also a letter presented in court today from the California medical board which wasn’t read out loud. Her lawyer said it made very serious allegations. Seemed to me that after todays sentencing the CA board is moving to take her medical license.

I’m in touch with her people and told them if she wants to talk I’d be happy to interview her.


Listen also to the speech of Dr. Simone Gold, Published May 23, 2021 here on this channel


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