Best Ethiopian Instrumental Music Collections/ምርጥ ሀገርኛ ክላሲካል ስብስቦች|Ethiopian Classical Music/ 2022

2 years ago

Classical music expresses the deepest thoughts of our civilization. Through their music, composers paint a picture of the society and times in which they lived. You can experience the greatness and achievements of another generation through its music.

The 15 most famous tunes in classical music
Mozart – Eine kleine Nachtmusik. Ahmed Barod. ...
Beethoven – Für Elise. wmd10. ...
Puccini – 'O mio babbino caro' from Gianni Schicchi. ...
J.S. ...
Beethoven – Symphony No. ...
Vivaldi – The Four Seasons. ...
Bizet – 'Carmen' ...
Johann Strauss II – The Blue Danube.
music that is considered to be part of a long, formal tradition and to have lasting value: Do you prefer classical music like Mozart and Mahler, or pop? Classical music was playing softly in the background

Relaxing 10hr non stop rain and a calming river flowing through rocky mountains near a lovely moss waterfall for one hours. Binaural audio produced in high quality (96 kHz - 24 bit) for ASMR relaxation, meditation, learning, and sleep.
A powerful source of healing and restoring sounds is nature. It boosts our vitality significantly and is good for our physical and mental health. Nature's relaxing effect can be explained by chemistry. Phytoncides are micro substances that are excreted by plants and trees to protect themselves from bugs for example. These substances lower our stress, because the concentration of stress hormones in our blood decreases due to the phytoncides.
The Best & Most Relaxing Nature Sounds For Sleep
Ocean Waves: Calming Sounds of the Sea.
Forest Sounds: with Soft Rains & Gentle Winds.
Thunder: With Soft Rain & Ocean Waves.
Nature Sounds with Music.

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