"Thimerosal Is Dangerous At Any Concentration" - Frank B Engley, PhD

2 years ago

In an extensive interview, Frank B. Engley, Jr., PhD, who served as a trusted consultant to several government agencies including the FDA, CDC, CIA, NASA, Armed Forces Epidemiological Board (AFEB), and National Council of the NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the field of microbiology states at 23:37 in the video, “Like when the Chevrolet car, unsafe at any speed. Thimerosal, unsafe at any concentration. We have no proof that the thimerosal trace amount is ineffective. In fact, our work suggested that 3/10th’s of a microgram maybe a 100 to a 1000 times more toxic than the dose we found in tissue culture. Our work with tissue culture was very early, but it has been repeated and repeated and repeated over the past ten years by investigators using much better techniques, and they are finding the thimerosal to be toxic down to parts per billions also.”

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