TECH HOUSE MIX 2020 by Son of Yola - Break Em Off - NEW TRACKS - November 4, 2020

4 years ago

TECH HOUSE MIX 2020 by Son of Yola - Break Em Off - NEW TRACKS - November 4, 2020

Greetings fellow TECH HOUSE MIX enthusiasts. I am Son of Yola and I want to welcome you all to my channel. If you are a subscriber, welcome back : ) If you are not, please consider subscribing now, and if you like what you hear, please smash the like button and share. Here's that link to subscribe:

With all the craziness in the world, new music is my therapy and escape from the madness. I made this mix a day or two ago, I hope you will check it out til the end, and let me know what you think in the comments down below. Oh yea, before I forget, be on the look out for my best tracks of 2020 mixes. There will probably be 2 or 3 sets because there were a lot of awesome tracks released this year. So without further ado, here is the track list..Enjoy!

One more thing friends, if you like original, abstract, and bold art that makes a statement, please check out my newly opened art shop. These designs are 100% original, and created by myself with the help of cutting edge AI. Here's that link: If you see something you like please use this exclusive promo for 25% off, only found here for you guys: SONOFYOLA ...and no, I'm not an affiliate, it's my shop; so feel free to reach out anytime there; I'd love to hear from you.

1 - Elastic (Original Mix) - Enzo Tucci
2 - Catch Your Love (Original Mix) - Chicks Luv Us
3 - Milano Underground (Original Mix) - El Rayo
4 - Make You Move (Original Mix) - Papa Marlin Bondar
5 - Live For Another (Original Mix) - ANOTR
6 - Repent (Original Mix) - Ozgur Uzar
7 - Bubble Ride (Original Mix) - Jamie Jones Nicole Moudaber
8 - Come With Me (Original Mix) - Alisha
9 - What To Do (Original Mix) - Alisha
10 - Get It Together (Original Mix) - Josh Butler
11 - Get Down (Original Mix) - Chris Main
12 - Stars (Extended Mix) - Piem
13 - Break Em Off (John Larner Remix) - Gettoblaster Kid Enigma - 'TRANSIT' - 'SOMETHING NEW' -- 'BREAK EM OFF' - 'ON MY MIND' - 'SHADOW PEOPLE' - 'HALLOWEEN MIX' - 'SHADOW FREQUENCIES' - 'PROPHESY'


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