Anomalies and Curious Facts surrounding the Shooting at Uvalde, Texas.

2 years ago

We are publishing the following information with concern that those who advocate gun control will attempt to vilify us as conspiracy nuts, who are insensitive to the tragic loss of life that has been reported. Nothing could be further from the truth. We decided to publish it because it reveals evidence that suggests the possibility that the event was elaborately staged to create increased demand for gun control and that no lives were lost at all. If further investigation should reveal that this is true, then censoring it would be an even larger mistake, because it would assist the perpetrators to remain hidden. Admittedly, this information cannot be called proof. But what is proof? There is no such thing as absolute proof. There is only evidence. When evidence accumulates to the point where the beholder is convinced that the speculation is true, then it becomes proof for that person. If the same evidence still leaves doubt in the mind of other observers, then it is not yet proof for them. But none of us will never able to have an informed opinion either way if evidence on one side or the other is denied to us. It is our firm belief that truth will ultimately prevail when all evidence is available for examination. 2022 Jun - Source: The Global Voice Radio Network -

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