Election Fraud Conspiracies Will DESTROY America!

4 years ago

In this analysis, Mr. Watson comments on the suspicions of voter fraud that plague the 2020 presidential elections between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Several anecodtal instances, such as the skirmish at Detroit's TCF center where election counters put cardboard over their windows, to previously unexplained baskets of being wheeled in during the midnight hour, has put the integrity of the American elections system at risk.

But in this video, Mr. Watson calls his viewers to use their faculty of reason to weed the truth from the lies, and prevent their distrust from destroying the American experiment. He argues that, in absence of evidence of actual voter fraud, it is incumbent upon all of us to focus on preparing for a post-Trump world. Trump, or any man, cannot do the duty that all of us must do to ensure liberty and individualism reigns supreme in the United States.

And for Mr. Watson, invocations of election fraud or "Stop The Count" are simply ways to distract ourselves from the reality at hand. And when we embrace reality, Mr. Watson is sure the principles of America shall prevail

Follow Mr. Watosn on social media:

Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @OfficialCWatson

#StopTheCount, #ElectionFraud, #Election2020, #PresidentialElection #Biden2020, #Trump2020 #BlueWave #Redwave #AmericanPolitics #ElectionDay #ElectionWeek #Voterfraud #FraudulentBallots #DonaldTrump

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