Refuse To Be A Victim! With Bridges2Barbells Radio - The Ready Room Ep. 8

4 years ago

This time we teamed up with Bridges2Barbells Radio for a joint podcast! We go over a wealth of information to help you refuse to be a victim. Bridges2Barbells Radio is a podcast all about health, wellness, fitness, self empowerment and faith. So, we wanted to help women understand what they can do to make themselves, and their families, safer. What are some statistics on violent crimes? Who is most at risk when it comes to those crimes? And what can YOU do to reduces the chances that it will happen to you or your family? We go over all of this, but it really boils down to you decided you don't want to be a victim. Conceal Carrying a firearm is one of the best ways to protect yourself and those around you. So hear us out, hear why Jessica made the decision to conceal carry, and then decide for yourself if this information makes sense to you.

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