#199 Subaru Forester Rough Idle Fix. Replace PCV Valve

4 years ago

Our 2009 Subaru Forester has started to idle rough, coming close to stalling at times, particularly on cooler mornings, so I'm going to try replacing the PCV valve to see if that eliminates the rough idle.

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We only seem to experience the rough idle at startup, and when the temperatures out side are colder. Today its about 70 degrees, and I'm not able to recreate the issue for you guys, but I'll post an update in the comments section if the this PCV valve replacement doesn't fix our rough idle issue.

~~About Us~~
We're a 43 acre Christmas tree farm in central Virginia. We bought the property in November 2018 and have been documenting our whole journey starting this business from the ground up. We didn't have any ag experience prior to starting this business, so we're constantly learning as we go!

We are thankful for you viewers and subscribers and love your comments and feedback!

We would greatly appreciate it if you'd give this video a LIKE if you’re enjoying the content.


*What made us want to start a Christmas tree farm? see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv4c_TZtoOU&feature=youtu.be&t=434

*How big is our property? 43 acres (about 25 is wooded)

~~Equipment on our Farm~~
Tractors: Kubota L3901, Farmtrac 60
Mower: Cub Cadet Ultima ZT2
Box Blade: Land Pride BB2560
Rotary cutter: King Kutter 60" (model unknown)
3pt Tiller: Caroni L800 36"


Any other questions or comments - just let us know! Thanks for watching.


Contact: woodstreefarva@gmail.com


Website: https://www.woodstreefarm.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/woodstreefarmva
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/woodstreefarm

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