Rest in Peace My Grand-Father Went to Be With His wife

4 years ago

in 2020 i lost both my last living grandparents. my mom was adopted and i hear storys of how people are not treated the same but I NEVER ONCE felt mistreated by my grandparents never once growing up did it pass my mind that i was not "family" my grandparents always loved us like blood and i will always remember how much they both loved us they Taught me that Blood Does Not Make You Family But The Love You Share For OThers Makes You Family Its what jesus teaches that we are all Brothers and sisters in christ and my grandparents Lived that. and Forever i will carry that with me i have so many great childhood memories of my grand parents and you know what im REALLY LOOKING forward to seeing them again in heaven. i know people say in heaven you can eat but you wont have to but I BET YOU my grandma Will Have A Great Big Table Waiting for us Full Of Food i recall her always making such amazing food and my grandpa will be waiting with his jokes to make us laugh now that im older i Hold Close the memories of both my grandparents on both sides its Bitter sweet, bitter because i wish we could have made more memories but sweet because this is Most Defiantly not the end But only The beginning and as i live out my days on this earth i cherish the values i learned from my grandparents and i hope to make them both proud someday in all that i do im young and still have a lot of maturing to do but with the values i learned from them i hope to continue to mature in christ and in my life ❤
Just a tag = HomesteadTessies dad left to be with his wife

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